“Coded aperture projection” by Grosse and Bimber

  • ©Max Grosse and Oliver Bimber




    Coded aperture projection



    We integrate coded apertures into off-the-shelf projectors to increase their focal depth. The regional defocus of the projection on the surface is measured automatically. The projected images are then deconvolved with locally scaled aperture codes. This leads to significantly better results than deconvolving with Gaussians in cases where regular spherical apertures are used.


    1. Bimber, O., and Emmerling, A. 2006. Multifocal Projection: A Multiprojector Technique for Increasing Focal Depth. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 12, 4, 658–667.
    2. Brown, M. S., Song, P., and Cham, T.-J. 2006. Image Pre-Conditioning for Out-of-Focus Projector Blur. In Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), vol. II, 1956–1963.

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