“Clothing Suite: Interactively Design Complex Garments” by Walker, Bellini, Sivek and Huang

  • ©Megan Walker, Rachele Bellini, Cory Sivek, and Shyh-Chyuan Huang



Entry Number: 32


    Clothing Suite: Interactively Design Complex Garments



    In this talk, we discuss the proprietary toolset created to move our clothing look-design process from 2D into 3D. The Clothing Suite is an easy to use and interactive toolset to create complex, art-directed garments constructed from woven curves. The Clothing Suite allows artists to build and decorate textiles in real time through a three-dimensional sculptural approach while accommodating a highly deformed animation style. This allows the look-dev artist to design the clothing in 3D space in a fast and highly iterative process instead of relying on refined flat art or complex geometry manually sculpted in the model.


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