“Cloth and Clothing in Computer Graphics” by House, Baraff, Eberhardt, Strasser, Eischen, et al. …

  • ©Donald H. House, David Baraff, Bernhard Eberhardt, Wolfgang Strasser, Jeffrey W. Eischen, Marla Schweppe, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, and Umakanth Thumrugoti



Entry Number: 31


    Cloth and Clothing in Computer Graphics

Course Organizer(s):



    The equivalent of courses in 3D computer graphics, calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations. Some artistic background or knowledge of the process of producing computer animation also helpful.

    Topics Covered
    Background information on finite element and interacting particle simulation methodologies, as well as techniques needed for solving stiff or constrained physical systems. Also, concepts from set and costume design were elaborated.

    This course laid the groundwork for understanding cloth and its uses in computer graphics from scientific, artistic, computational and experiential perspectives. After tutorials on modeling and simulating cloth, and on the use of cloth for artistic effect in staging and costuming, it continued with an overview of research on virtual clothing, and on the modeling of woven and knit fabrics. It concluded with a panel involving the presenters and attendees.

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: