“Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing” by Cater, Chalmers and Dalton

  • ©Kirsten Cater, Alan Chalmers, and Colin Dalton



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    Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing

Session/Category Title:   Model Capture



    A major challenge in virtual reality is to achieve realistic images at interactive rates. However, the computation time required for realistic image synthesis is significant, which precludes such realism in real time. One possible way of producing perceptually high-fidelity images in reasonable times is to exploit the “flaws” in the human eye, for although the human eye is good, it isn’t perfect! This sketch shows how the concept of “change blindness” may be exploited to produce realistic images of complex scenes in real time for use on an Explorer/1 motion platform.


    1. May, J. (2000). Perceptual principles and computer graphics. Computer Graphics Forum, 19 (4).
    2. O’Regan, J.K., Deubel, H., Clark, J.J., & Rensink, R.A. (1999). Picture changes during blinks: Looking without seeing and seeing without looking. Visual Cognition.
    3. O’Regan, J.K., Rensink, R.A., & Clark J.J. (1999). Change blindness as a result of mudsplashes. Nature, 398.
    4. Ward Larson, G.(1998). Rendering with RADIANCE: The art and science of lighting simulation. San Francisco: Morgan Kauffman.

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