“Bounce maps: an improved restitution model for real-time rigid-body impact”

  • ©Jui-Hsien Wang, Raj Setaluri, Doug L. James, and Dinesh K. Pai




    Bounce maps: an improved restitution model for real-time rigid-body impact

Session/Category Title:   Let's Get in Contact




    We present a novel method to enrich standard rigid-body impact models with a spatially varying coefficient of restitution map, or Bounce Map. Even state-of-the art methods in computer graphics assume that for a single rigid body, post- and pre-impact dynamics are related with a single global, constant, namely the coefficient of restitution. We first demonstrate that this assumption is highly inaccurate, even for simple objects. We then present a technique to efficiently and automatically generate a function which maps locations on the object’s surface along with impact normals, to a scalar coefficient of restitution value. Furthermore, we propose a method for two-body restitution analysis, and, based on numerical experiments, estimate a practical model for combining one-body Bounce Map values to approximate the two-body coefficient of restitution. We show that our method not only improves accuracy, but also enables visually richer rigid-body simulations.


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