“Bitmap Graphics”

  • ©Leonidas (Leo) J. Guibas, Dan Ingalls, and Robert Pike



Entry Number: 14


    Bitmap Graphics

Course Organizer(s):



    Who should attend?

    This course is for programmers and system designers with computer graphics experience who are interested in building, using or programming bitmap displays.

    Recommended background

    This course will address a range of issues. Some experience in computer graphics is required, and familiarity with algorithmic issues, two-dimensional geometry and computer architecture will be helpful.

    Course description

    Bitmap displays are becoming common because they can provide inexpensive, high-quality interactive graphics. Unless designed and programmed carefully, though, such displays can consume enormous memory and processor resources. This course will present an introduction to bitmap graphics, especially one-bit-per-pixel hardware, data structures and algorithms based on the bitblt (RasterOp) primitive. The discussion will focus on the use of the primitive as an efficient high-level operator for processing static and dynamic bitmap images. The techniques for hardware and software implementation of bitblt will be covered, as will the algorithmic issues of building and using bitblt. The lecturers will discuss bitmap graphic systems and software design, using examples such as text, window systems, animation and interaction. Videotapes of example systems in action will be shown.

Contributed By:

    Pete Segal

Overview Page: