“Autographic halftoning for artist-printmakers”

  • ©Naren Barfield and George Whale



Interest Area:



    Autographic halftoning for artist-printmakers

Session/Category Title:   Art



    A program that allows fine-art printmakers to incorporate their own graphic “handwriting” into the halftoning process.


    1 G.Winkenbach and D.H.Salesin. Computer-Generated Pen-and-Ink Illustration. Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), Vol. 28, No. 4, Oct. 1994, pp. 91-108.
    2 Y. Pnueli and A.M. Bruckstein. DigiDurer – a digital engraving system. The Visual Computer, 10:277-292, 1994.
    3 J. Lansdown and S. Schofield. Expressive Rendering: A Review of Nonphotorealistic Techniques. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, May 1995.
    4 Ostromoukhov, Victor, and Hersch, Roger D. Artistic Screening. SIGGRAPH 95 Proceedings.
    5 Rawson, Philip S. Drawing (second ed.), Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987, p.1.
    6 Kerlow, Isaac Victor. Computer Generated Images and Traditional Printmaking. The Visual Computer (1988) 4:8-18.
    7 Transformations – the Fine Art Print and the Computer. London, Chelsea College of Art and Design, 1996. ISBN 1 870540 01 8 (Chelsea College of Art and Design).

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