“Artistic resizing: a technique for rich scale-sensitive vector graphics” by Dragicevic, Chatty, Thevenin and Vinot
- Artistic resizing: a technique for rich scale-sensitive vector graphics
Session/Category Title: Reprise of UIST, I8D, and Sandbox: The Videogame Symposium
No abstract available.
1. Chatty, S., Sire, S., Vinot, J., Lecoanet, P., Lemort, A., Mertz, C. Revisiting visual interface programming: creating GUI tools for designers and programmers. In Proc. of UIST ’04. ACM Press, 267–276.
2. Dragicevic, P., Chatty, S., Thevenin, D., Vinot, J. Artistic resizing: a technique for rich scale-sensitive vector graphics. In Proc. of UIST ’05. ACM Press, 201–210.
3. Kurlander, D., Feiner, S. Inferring constraints from multiple snapshots. ACM Trans. Graph. 12, 4 (Oct. 1993), 277–304.
4. Shoemake, K. Duff, T. Matrix animation and polar decomposition. In Proc. Graphics interface ’92. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 258–264.