“Articulated body deformation from range scan data” by Allen, Curless and Popovic

  • ©Brett Allen, Brian Curless, and Zoran Popovic

  • ©Brett Allen, Brian Curless, and Zoran Popovic




    Articulated body deformation from range scan data



    This paper presents an example-based method for calculating skeleton-driven body deformations. Our example data consists of range scans of a human body in a variety of poses. Using markers captured during range scanning, we construct a kinematic skeleton and identify the pose of each scan. We then construct a mutually consistent parameterization of all the scans using a posable subdivision surface template. The detail deformations are represented as displacements from this surface, and holes are filled smoothly within the displacement maps. Finally, we combine the range scans using k-nearest neighbor interpolation in pose space. We demonstrate results for a human upper body with controllable pose, kinematics, and underlying surface shape.


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