“Anyone Can Make Quality Animated Films! The Eight Basic Steps to Success” by Hanon and Miller

  • ©Bob Hanon and Debra Miller



Entry Number: 27


    Anyone Can Make Quality Animated Films! The Eight Basic Steps to Success

Course Organizer(s):



    Basic knowledge of 2D and 3D animation techniques, Photoshop, Flash, and Premiere or Final Cut Pro. Basic to advanced drawing skills.

    Intended Audience
    Anyone who is required or desires to produce an entire animation project, including: teachers and students; professionals who are producing demo reels; freelance artists who want to produce television commercials, cell phone games, or web presentations; and entrepreneurs who want to establish a small animation company.

    How anyone with a little talent can apply industry-standard techniques to create professional animated films. Topics include: developing the client “pitch,” writing a winning script, creating a dynamite storyboard, character design, recording and/or gathering quality audio, animation production, 2D ink and paint process, and professional editing.



Overview Page: