“Antialiasing through stochastic sampling” by Wold and Dippe

  • ©Erling Henry Wold and Mark Dippe




    Antialiasing through stochastic sampling



    Stochastic sampling techniques, in particular Poisson and fittered sampling, are developed and analyzed. These approaches allow the construction of alias-free approximations to continuous functions using discrete calculations. Stochastic sampling scatters high frequency information into broadband noise rather than generating the false patterne produced by regular sampling. The type of randomness used in the sampling process controls the spectral character of the noise. The average sampling rate and the function being sampled determine the amount of noise that is produced. Stochastic sampling is applied adaptively so that a greater number of samples are taken where the function varies most. An estimate is used to determine how many samples to take over a given region. Noise reducing filters are used to increase the efficacy of a given sampling rate. The filter width is adaptively controlled to further improve performance. Stochastic sampling can be applied spatiotemporally as well as to other aspects of scene simulation. Ray tracing is one example of an image synthesis approach that can be antialiased by stochastic sampling.


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    31. John I. Yellott, “Nonhomogeneous Poisson Disks Model the Photoreceptor Mosaic (Abstract),” investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Supplement)Z4(3)(March, 1083).

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