“Animation and rendering of complex water surfaces” by Enright, Marschner and Fedkiw

  • ©Douglas Enright, Stephen Marschner, and Ronald P. Fedkiw

  • ©Douglas Enright, Stephen Marschner, and Ronald P. Fedkiw




    Animation and rendering of complex water surfaces



    We present a new method for the animation and rendering of photo-realistic water effects. Our method is designed to produce visually plausible three dimensional effects, for example the pouring of water into a glass (see figure 1) and the breaking of an ocean wave, in a manner which can be used in a computer animation environment. In order to better obtain photorealism in the behavior of the simulated water surface, we introduce a new “thickened” front tracking technique to accurately represent the water surface and a new velocity extrapolation method to move the surface in a smooth, water-like manner. The velocity extrapolation method allows us to provide a degree of control to the surface motion, e.g. to generate a windblown look or to force the water to settle quickly. To ensure that the photorealism of the simulation carries over to the final images, we have integrated our method with an advanced physically based rendering system.


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