“Animating fluid sediment mixture in particle-laden flows” by Gao, Prandhana, Han, Guo, Kot, et al. …
Entry Number: 149
- Animating fluid sediment mixture in particle-laden flows
Session/Category Title: Disorder Matter: From Shells to Rods and Grains
In this paper, we present a mixed explicit and semi-implicit Material Point Method for simulating particle-laden flows. We develop a Multigrid Preconditioned fluid solver for the Locally Averaged Navier Stokes equation. This is discretized purely on a semi-staggered standard MPM grid. Sedimentation is modeled with the Drucker-Prager elastoplasticity flow rule, enhanced by a novel particle density estimation method for converting particles between representations of either continuum or discrete points. Fluid and sediment are two-way coupled through a momentum exchange force that can be easily resolved with two MPM background grids. We present various results to demonstrate the efficacy of our method.
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