“An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit” by Strauss and Carey

  • ©Paul S. Strauss and Rikk Carey




    An object-oriented 3D graphics toolkit



    No abstract available.


    1. DorP Programmer’s Guide, Release 5.0, Kubota Pacific Compuler, Incorporated, Santa Clara, Calif., 1991.
    2. Graphics LihraJT Programming Guide, Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mounlain View, Calif., 199 i.
    3. International Standards Organization, international Stan- ~h~rd It!formation Processing Systems ~ Computer Graphi~’s- Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions (GKS-3D ) Fum’tional Description, ISO Document Number 8805:1988(E), American National Standards Institute, New York, 1988.
    4. Iris Inventor Programming Guide, Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Mountain View, Calif., 1992.
    5. Mark Linton, Paul Caulder, John A. Interrante, Steven Tang, and John M. Vlissides, InterViews Reference Manual. Version 3.0.1., Stanford University, October 1991.
    6. PHIGS+ Committee, Andries van Dam, chair, “PHIGS+ Functional Description, Revision 3.0,” Computer Graphtcs, 22(3j, pp. 125-218 (July 1988).
    7. Starhase Graphics Te~’hniques and Display List Programmer’s Guide, Hewlett-Packard Company, Fort Collins, Colo., 1991.
    8. Steve Upstili, Tire RenderMan Companion, Addison- Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1990.
    9. Garry W iegand and Bob Covey, HOOPS Reference Manual, Version 3.0, Ithaca Software, 1991.
    10. Robert C. Zeleznik, D. Brookshire Conner, Matthias M. Wloka, Daniel G. Aliaga, Nathan T. Huang, Philip M. Hubbard, Brian Knep, Henry Kaufman, John F. Hughes, and Andries van Dam, “An Object-Oriented Framework t’or the Integration of Interactive Animation Techniques,” (‘omputer Graphi~s (SIGGRAPH ’91 Proceedings) 25(4) pp. 1()5-111(July, 1991).

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