“An interdisciplinary laboratory for graphics research and applications” by Greenberg

  • ©Donald P. Greenberg




    An interdisciplinary laboratory for graphics research and applications



    This paper describes the facilities and operation of the Program of Computer Graphics at Cornell University. A variety of graphic procedures are used for both input and output. The laboratory has the capability for producing dynamic vector displays and for generating full color images. Numerous research projects in a variety of disciplines which are actively using this multi-user graphics environment are presented.


    1. Forrest, A. R., “On Coons and Other Methods for Representation of Curved Surfaces”, Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 1972, 1 (pp 341-359).]]
    2. Johnson, T. E., “Sketchpad III, A Computer Program for Drawing in Three Dimensions”, AFIPS Conference 1963.]]
    3. Levoy, Marc, “A Color Animation System Based on the Multiplane Technique”, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques and Image Processing, — SIGGRAPH, 1977.]]
    4. Newman, W., and Sproull, R., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill, 1973.]]
    5. Riesenfeld, Richard F., “Applications of B-Spline Approximation to Geometric Problems of Computer-Aided-Design”, Ph. D. Thesis, Syracuse University, 1973.]]
    6. Sutherland, Ivan E., “Sketchpad: A Man-Machine Graphical Communication System”, Lincoln Laboratory, MIT Technical Report No. 296, 1963.]]
    7. Sutherland Ivan E. and Hodgeman, G., “Reentrant Polygon Clipping”, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 17, No. 1. Jan. 1974 (pp 32-42).]]
    8. Sutherland, Ivan E., “Three-Dimensional Data Input by Tablet:, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 62, No. 4, April 1974.]]
    9. Thornton, Robert W., “MODEL: Interactive Modeling in Three Dimensions Through Two-Dimensional Windows”, M. S. Thesis, Cornell University, 1976.]]
    10. Weiler, K., and Atherton, P., “Hidden Surface Removal Utilizing Polygon Area Sorting”, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques and Image Processing – SIGGRAPH, 1977.]]
    11. Weingarten, Nicholas H., “Computer Graphics Input Methods for Interactive Design”, M. S. Thesis, Cornell University, 1977.]]
    12. Wu, S., Abel, J., and Greenberg, D., “An Interactive Computer Graphics Approach to Surface Representation”, Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computer Graphics. Interactive Techniques and Image Processing – SIGGRAPH, 1977.]]

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