“An implementation of the ACM/SIGGRAPH proposed graphics standard in a multisystem environment” by Kellner, Reed and Solem

  • ©Richard G. Kellner, Theodore N. Reed, and Ann V. Solem




    An implementation of the ACM/SIGGRAPH proposed graphics standard in a multisystem environment



    Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL) has implemented a graphics system designed to support one user interface for all graphics devices in all operating environments at LASL. The Common Graphics System (CGS) will support Level One of the graphics standard proposed by the ACM/SIGGRAPH Graphic Standards Planning Committee. CGS is available in six operating environments of two different word lengths and supports four types of graphics devices. It can generate a pseudodevice file that may be postprocessed and edited for a particular graphics device, or it can generate device-specific graphics output directly. Program overlaying and dynamic buffer sharing are also supported. CGS is structured to isolate operating system dependencies and graphics device dependencies. It is written in the RATFOR (RATional FORtran) language, which supports control flow statements and macro expansion. CGS is maintained as a single source program from which each version can be extracted automatically.


    1. ACM. Status Report of the Graphic Standards Planning Committee of ACM/SIGGRAPH. Computer Graphics 11, 3, Fall 1977.
    2. Conley, B., et al. Basic Graphics Package Intermediate File Format. LASL internal document, March 1978.
    3. General Purpose Graphics System. Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegin, The Netherlands, 1975.
    4. GINO-F User Manual. Computer Aided Design Centre, Cambridge, England, 1974.
    5. Kernighan, B.W. RATFOR – A Preprocessor for a Rational FORTRAN. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
    6. Kernighan, B.W., and Plauger, P.J. Software Tools. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1976.

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