“An extended partitioned method for conservative solid-fluid coupling” by Akbay, Nobles, Zordan and Shinar
Entry Number: 86
- An extended partitioned method for conservative solid-fluid coupling
Session/Category Title: Fluids 1: Raiders of the Lost Volume
We present a novel extended partitioned method for two-way solid-fluid coupling, where the fluid and solid solvers are treated as black boxes with limited exposed interfaces, facilitating modularity and code reusability. Our method achieves improved stability and extended range of applicability over standard partitioned approaches through three techniques. First, we couple the black-box solvers through a small, reduced-order monolithic system, which is constructed on the fly from input/output pairs generated by the solid and fluid solvers. Second, we use a conservative, impulse-based interaction term to couple the solid and fluid rather than typical pressure-based forces. We show that both of these techniques significantly improve stability and reduce the number of iterations needed for convergence. Finally, we propose a novel boundary pressure projection method that allows for the partitioned simulation of a fully enclosed fluid coupled to a dynamic solid, a scenario that has been problematic for partitioned methods. We demonstrate the benefits of our extended partitioned method by coupling Eulerian fluid solvers for smoke and water to Lagrangian solid solvers for volumetric and thin deformable and rigid objects in a variety of challenging scenarios. We further demonstrate our method by coupling a Lagrangian SPH fluid solver to a rigid body solver.
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