“An Efficient Scheme for Curve and Surface Construction Based on a Set of Interpolatory Basis Functions” by Zhang and Ma

  • ©Renjiang Zhang and Weiyin Ma




    An Efficient Scheme for Curve and Surface Construction Based on a Set of Interpolatory Basis Functions



    An efficient scheme is introduced to construct interpolatory curves and surfaces passing through a set of given scattered data points. The scheme is based on an interpolatory basis derived from the sinc function with a Guassian multiplier previously applied in other fields for signal or function reconstruction. In connection with its application addressed in this article for spatial curve and surface construction, the interpolatory basis possesses various nice properties, such as partition of unity, linear precision, and local support, etc., under a small tolerance. By using these basis functions, free-form curves and surfaces can be conveniently constructed. A designer can adjust the shape of the constructed curve and surface by moving some interpolating points or by inserting new interpolating points. The resulting interpolatory curves and surfaces are C∞ continuous. Smooth connection between curves or surfaces can easily be achieved. Closed curves and surfaces can also be expressed using the proposed interpolatory basis functions.


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