“An analytic model for full spectral sky-dome radiance” by Hosek and Wilkie

  • ©Lukas Hosek and Alexander Wilkie




    An analytic model for full spectral sky-dome radiance



    We present a physically-based analytical model of the daytime sky. Based on the results of a first-principles brute force simulation of radiative transfer in the atmosphere, we use the same general approach of fitting basis function coefficients to radiance data as the Perez and Preetham models do. However, we make several modifications to this process, which together significantly improve the rendition of sunsets and high atmospheric turbidity setups — known weak points of the Preetham model. Additionally, our model accounts for ground albedo, and handles each spectral component independently. The latter property makes it easily extensible to the near ultraviolet range of the spectrum, so that the daylight appearance of surfaces that include optical brighteners can be properly predicted. Due to its similar mathematical properties, the new model can be used as a drop-in replacement of the Preetham model.


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