“Air Traffic Management 3-D Graphics Research & Development” by Reisman and Ellis

  • ©Ronald J. Reisman and Stephen R. Ellis

  • ©Ronald J. Reisman and Stephen R. Ellis

  • ©Ronald J. Reisman and Stephen R. Ellis



Entry Number: 061


    Air Traffic Management 3-D Graphics Research & Development



    NASA has investigated the potential benefits of real-time three dimensional display technologies for Air Traffic Management (ATM) application for almost two decades. This poster is a brief review of major findings and the evolution of 3-D ATM prototype technologies.


    1. Ellis, S. R., McGreevy, M. W., and Hitchcock, R. J. 1987. Perspective traffic display format and airline pilot traffic avoidance. Human Factors, 29, 371–382.
    2. Fürstenau, N., Kaltenhäuser, S., Schmidt, M., and Werther, B. 2002. Virtual Tower: Virtual Reality Technologien und Multimodale Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion für das Flugverkehrsmanagement im Jahr 2015 zur Veröffentlichung, Braunschweig/”DLR-Nachrichten”.
    3. Johnson, W. W., Battiste, V., and Bochow, S. H. 1999. A cockpit display designed to enable limited flight deck separation responsibility. In Proceedings of the 1999 World Aviation Conference, Anaheim, CA., (1999-01-5567).
    4. Schmidt-Ott, J., Ellis, S. R., Krozel, J., Reisman, R., and Gips, J. 2002. Augmented Reality in a Simulated Tower Environment: Effect of Field of View on Aircraft Detection. NASA TM-2002-211853.


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