“Adaptively sampled distance fields: a general representation of shape for computer graphics” by Frisken, Perry, Rockwood and Jones

  • ©Sarah F. Frisken, Ronald N. Perry, Alyn P. Rockwood, and Thouis R. Jones




    Adaptively sampled distance fields: a general representation of shape for computer graphics



    Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs) are a unifying representation of shape that integrate numerous concepts in computer graphics including the representation of geometry and volume data and a broad range of processing operations such as rendering, sculpting, level-of-detail management, surface offsetting, collision detection, and color gamut correction. Its structure is uncomplicated and direct, but is especially effective for quality reconstruction of complex shapes, e.g., artistic and organic forms, precision parts, volumes, high order functions, and fractals. We characterize one implementation of ADFs, illustrating its utility on two diverse applications: 1) artistic carving of fine detail, and 2) representing and rendering volume data and volumetric effects. Other applications are briefly presented.


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