“Adaptive nonlinearity for collisions in complex rod assemblies” by Smith, Kaufman, Tamstorf, Grinspun and Aubry

  • ©Breannan Smith, Danny M. Kaufman, Rasmus Tamstorf, Eitan Grinspun, and Jean-Marie Aubry




    Adaptive nonlinearity for collisions in complex rod assemblies

Session/Category Title:   Hair & Collisions




    We develop an algorithm for the efficient and stable simulation of large-scale elastic rod assemblies. We observe that the time-integration step is severely restricted by a strong nonlinearity in the response of stretching modes to transversal impact, the degree of this nonlinearity varying greatly with the shape of the rod. Building on these observations, we propose a collision response algorithm that adapts its degree of nonlinearity. We illustrate the advantages of the resulting algorithm by analyzing simulations involving elastic rod assemblies of varying density and scale, with up to 1.7 million individual contacts per time step.


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