“Adaptive fracture simulation of multi-layered thin plates” by Busaryev, Dey and Wang
- Adaptive fracture simulation of multi-layered thin plates
Session/Category Title: Rods & Shells
The fractures of thin plates often exhibit complex physical behaviors in the real world. In particular, fractures caused by tearing are different from fractures caused by in-plane motions. In this paper, we study how to make thin-plate fracture animations more realistic from three perspectives. We propose a stress relaxation method, which is applied to avoid shattering artifacts after generating each fracture cut. We formulate a fracture-aware remeshing scheme based on constrained Delaunay triangulation, to adaptively provide more fracture details. Finally, we use our multi-layered model to simulate complex fracture behaviors across thin layers. Our experiment shows that the system can efficiently and realistically simulate the fractures of multi-layered thin plates.
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