“A stereo display prototype with multiple focal distances” by Akeley, Watt, Girshick and Banks

  • ©Kurt Akeley, Simon J. Watt, Ahna Reza Girshick, and Martin (Marty) S. Banks




    A stereo display prototype with multiple focal distances



    Typical stereo displays provide incorrect focus cues because the light comes from a single surface. We describe a prototype stereo display comprising two independent fixed-viewpoint volumetric displays. Like autostereoscopic volumetric displays, fixed-viewpoint volumetric displays generate near-correct focus cues without tracking eye position, because light comes from sources at the correct focal distances. (In our prototype, from three image planes at different physical distances.) Unlike autostereoscopic volumetric displays, however, fixed-viewpoint volumetric displays retain the qualities of modern projective graphics: view-dependent lighting effects such as occlusion, specularity, and reflection are correctly depicted; modern graphics processor and 2-D display technology can be utilized; and realistic fields of view and depths of field can be implemented. While not a practical solution for general-purpose viewing, our prototype display is a proof of concept and a platform for ongoing vision research. The design, implementation, and verification of this stereo display are described, including a novel technique of filtering along visual lines using 1-D texture mapping.


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