“A Project-Oriented Graphics Course” by Strader

  • ©Robert G. Strader

  • ©Robert G. Strader




    A Project-Oriented Graphics Course



    Many students entering college who choose to major in computer science do so because of their exposure to graphical environments (including games). Although it is not always the primary focus of a graphics course, development of a simple game or similar project prepares students for developing and producing graphically oriented products. While the focus of the graphics course presented in this paper is one of traditional graphics topics, user interface principles, and the extension of background topics (i.e., data structures, algorithms, architecture, etc.) to graphical environments, a major term project is required. The primary emphasis of the project is on developing a small product rather than just completing a class exercise. The next section discusses the course outline and an overview of the project. The following section presents information on activities required to support such a project. Next, the project framework is presented along with observations. Finally, concerns for future enhancements are addressed.


Overview Page: