“A parametric algorithm for drawing pictures of solid objects bounded by quadric surfaces” by Levin

  • ©Joshua Z. Levin




    A parametric algorithm for drawing pictures of solid objects bounded by quadric surfaces



    An algorithm for drawing pictures of three-dimensional objects, with surfaces made up of patches of quadric surfaces, is described.The emphasis of this algorithm is calculating the intersections of quadric surfaces. A parameterization scheme is used. Each quadric surface intersection curve (QSIC) is represented as a set of coefficients and parameter limits. Each value of the parameter represents at most two points, and these may easily be distinguished. This scheme can find the co-ordinates of points of even quartic (fourth-order) intersection curves, using equations of no more than second order.Methods of parameterization for each type of QSIC are discussed, as well as surface bounding and hidden surface removal.


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    3. Dresden, A. Solid Analytical Geometry and Determinants. Dover, New York, 1964.
    4. Levin, J.Z. A parametric algorithm for drawing pictures of solid objects bounded by quadric surfaces. Tech. Rep. CRL-46, School of Eng., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., Troy, N.Y., 1976.
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    12. Woon, P.Y., and Freeman, H. A procedure for generating visible-line projections of solids bounded by quadric surfaces. Information Processing 71, Vol. 2, North-Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, 1971, pp. 1120-1125.

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