“A modeling system based on dynamic constraints” by Barzel and Barr

  • ©Ronen Barzel and Alan H. Barr




    A modeling system based on dynamic constraints



    We present “dynamic constraints,” a physically-based technique for constraint-based control of computer graphics models. Using dynamic constraints, we build objects by specifying geometric constraints; the models assemble themselves as the elements move to satisfy the constraints. The individual elements are rigid bodies which act in accordance with the rules of physics, and can thus exhibit physically realistic behavior. To implement the constraints, a set of “constraint forces” is found, which causes the bodies to act in accordance with the constraints; finding these “constraint forces” is an inverse dynamics problem.


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    3. Barr, Alan H., Topics in Physically Based Modeling, to appear, Addison Wesley
    4. Barr, Alan H., Brian Von Herren, Rouen Barrel, and John Snyder, Computational Techniques for the Self Assembly of Large Space Structures Proceedings of the 8th Princeton/SSI Conference on Space Manufacturing, Princeton New Jersey, May 6-9 1987, to be published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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    20. Witkin, Andrew, Kurt Fleiascher, and Alan Barr, Energy Constraints on Parametrized Models, Proc. SIGGRAPH 1987, pp. 225-232
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