“A mathematical model of deforming manifolds and their visualizations by CG animation” by Takauchi, Hara, Saito, Asakura and Hattori

  • ©Ippei Takauchi, Yuta Hara, Hiromu Saito, Ryo Asakura, and Motofumi Hattori




    A mathematical model of deforming manifolds and their visualizations by CG animation



    It is becoming an important field in computer art to visualize High Dimensional Manifolds. [Banchoff 1990] [Kusabuka and AlgorithmicArt 2006] In this research, we will find the dynamics equation which express deforming motion of the α dimensional manifold r, and visualize many interesting motions of the deformed manifold r(t) by CG animation.


    1. Banchoff, T. F. 1990. Beyond The Third Dimension — Geometry, Computer Graphics and Higher Dimensions –. Scientific American Library.
    2. Kusabuka, K., and AlgorithmicArt, S. 2006. 20 th Century Computer Art: Beginning and Development — The work and thought of pioneers and contemporary practitioners of algorithmic art –. Tama Art University Museum.

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