“A Malleable Surface Touch Interface” by Vogt, Chen, Hoskinson and Fels

  • ©Florian Vogt, Timothy Chen, Reynald Hoskinson, and Sidney Fels

  • ©Florian Vogt, Timothy Chen, Reynald Hoskinson, and Sidney Fels

  • ©Florian Vogt, Timothy Chen, Reynald Hoskinson, and Sidney Fels

  • ©Florian Vogt, Timothy Chen, Reynald Hoskinson, and Sidney Fels

  • ©Florian Vogt, Timothy Chen, Reynald Hoskinson, and Sidney Fels




    A Malleable Surface Touch Interface

Session/Category Title:   Tangible/Ambient Media



    Many conventional whole-hand input devices capture interaction by means of non-contact methods or through some physical medium. Such physical interfaces often involve contact of the hands and fingers with a hard, unyielding surface. In this sketch, we propose an input device that captures whole-hand input through a malleable medium. Its deformability and inherent feedback characteristics make it suitable for sculpting and molding applications.


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