“A framework for realistic image synthesis” by Greenberg, Torrance, Shirley, Arvo, Lafortune, et al. …

  • ©Donald P. Greenberg, Kenneth E. Torrance, Peter Shirley, James (Jim) Arvo, Eric Lafortune, James A. Ferwerda, Bruce J. Walter, Ben Trumbore, Sumanta N. Pattanaik, and Sing-Choong Foo


    Our goal is to develop physically based lighting models and perceptually based rendering procedures for computer graphics that will produce synthetic images that are visually and measurably indistinguishable from real-world images. Fidelity of the physical simulation is of primary concern. Our research framework is subdivided into three sub-sections: the local light reflection model, the energy transport simulation, and the visual display algorithms. The first two subsections are physically based, and the last is perceptually based. We emphasize the comparisons between simulations and actual measurements, the difficulties encountered, and the need to utilize the vast amount of psychophysical research already conducted. Future research directions are enumerated. We hope that results of this research will help establish a more fundamental, scientific approach for future rendering algorithms. This presentation describes a chronology of past research in global illumination and how parts of our new system are currently being developed.


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    17. J.A. Ferwerda, S. Pattanaik, P. Shirley, and D.P. Greenberg. A Model of Visual Masking for Computer Graphics. In Computer Graphics, Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1997, ACM SIGGRAPH, in press.
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