“A fitted radiance and attenuation model for realistic atmospheres” by Wilkie, Vévoda, Bashford-Rogers, Hosek, Iser, et al. …

  • ©Alexander Wilkie, Petr Vévoda, Thomas Bashford-Rogers, Lukas Hosek, Tomáš Iser, Monika Kolářová, Tobias Rittig, and Jaroslav Křivánek




    A fitted radiance and attenuation model for realistic atmospheres



    We present a fitted model of sky dome radiance and attenuation for realistic terrestrial atmospheres. Using scatterer distribution data from atmospheric measurement data, our model considerably improves on the visual realism of existing analytical clear sky models, as well as of interactive methods that are based on approximating atmospheric light transport. We also provide features not found in fitted models so far: radiance patterns for post-sunset conditions, in-scattered radiance and attenuation values for finite viewing distances, an observer altitude resolved model that includes downward-looking viewing directions, as well as polarisation information. We introduce a fully spherical model for in-scattered radiance that replaces the family of hemispherical functions originally introduced by Perez et al., and which was extended for several subsequent analytical models: our model relies on reference image compression via tensor decomposition instead.


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