“A Compact Representation for Multiple Scaering in Participating Media using Neural Networks”
Entry Number: 16
- A Compact Representation for Multiple Scaering in Participating Media using Neural Networks
Many materials, such as milk or wax, exhibit scattering effects; incoming light enters the material and is scattered inside, giving a translucent aspect. These effects are computationally intensive as they require simulating a large number of events. Full computations are expensive, even with accelerating methods such as Virtual Ray Lights. The dipole approximation [Jensen et al. 2001] is fast, but a strong approximation. Precomputing the material response for multiple scattering [Moon et al. 2007; Wang and Holzschuch 2017] integrates well with existing rendering algorithms, allowing separate computation for single- and double- scattering, and fast computation for multiple scattering. Their main issue is efficient storage for the precomputed multiple scattering data.
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Beibei Wang and Nicolas Holzschuch. 2017. Precomputed Multiple Scattering for Light Simulation in Participating Medium. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2017 Talks (SIGGRAPH ’17). Article 35, 2 pages.