“A 3D studio production system with immersive actor feedback” by Grau, Price and Thomas

  • ©O. Grau, M. Price, and G. A. Thomas




    A 3D studio production system with immersive actor feedback

Session/Category Title:   Narrative Translations



    A new system that combines the ability to capture dynamic scenes, based on a multi-camera system in a chroma-key environment, with a view-dependent projection for actor feedback.


    1. GRAU, O., AND THOMAS, G. A. 2002. Use of image-based 3d modelling techniques in broadcast applications. In 2002 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications.
    2. ORIGAMI. project web-site. http://www-dsp.elet.polimi.it/origami/.
    3. ROSENTHAL, S., GRIFFIN, D., AND SANDERS, M. 2001. Real-time compter graphics for on-set visualization: “a.i.” and “the mummy returns”. In Siggraph 2001, Sketches and Applications.

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