“3D position, attitude and shape input using video tracking of hands and lips” by Blake and Isard

  • ©Andrew Blake and Michael Isard




    3D position, attitude and shape input using video tracking of hands and lips



    Recent developments in video-tracking allow the outlines of moving, natural objects in a video-camera input stream to be tracked live, at full video-rate. Previous systems have been available to do this for specially illuminated objects or for naturally illuminated but polyhedral objects. Other systems have been able to track nonpolyhedral objects in motion, in some cases from live video, but following only centroids or key-points rather than tracking whole curves. The system described here can track accurately the curved silhouettes of moving non-polyhedral objects at frame-rate, for example hands, lips, legs, vehicles, fruit, and without any special hardware beyond a desktop workstation and a video-camera and framestore.The new algorithms are a synthesis of methods in deformable models, B-splines curve representation and control theory. This paper shows how such a facility can be used to turn parts of the body—for instance, hands and lips—into input devices. Rigid motion of a hand can be used as a 3D mouse with non-rigid gestures signalling a button press or the “lifting” of the mouse. Both rigid and non-rigid motions of lips can be tracked independently and used as inputs, for example to animate a computer-generated face.


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