“3D environments as Social Learning Tools. The VIRTU@LIS experience” by Pedrosa, Pereira, Cardoso, Costa, Carita, et al. …

  • ©Tiago de Sousa Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nuno Cardoso, Manuel Costa, Tiago Carita, Edmundo Nobre, Pedro Pedrosa, Nuno Capeta, and Sérgio Estêvão

  • ©Tiago de Sousa Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nuno Cardoso, Manuel Costa, Tiago Carita, Edmundo Nobre, Pedro Pedrosa, Nuno Capeta, and Sérgio Estêvão

  • ©Tiago de Sousa Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nuno Cardoso, Manuel Costa, Tiago Carita, Edmundo Nobre, Pedro Pedrosa, Nuno Capeta, and Sérgio Estêvão

  • ©Tiago de Sousa Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nuno Cardoso, Manuel Costa, Tiago Carita, Edmundo Nobre, Pedro Pedrosa, Nuno Capeta, and Sérgio Estêvão

  • ©Tiago de Sousa Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Nuno Cardoso, Manuel Costa, Tiago Carita, Edmundo Nobre, Pedro Pedrosa, Nuno Capeta, and Sérgio Estêvão




    3D environments as Social Learning Tools. The VIRTU@LIS experience



    New forms of dialogue and new mechanisms for introducing scientific issues to non-scientific audiences call for radical design of interfaces between the scientific processes and products and the audiences. In VIRTU@LIS we have explored further the use of “convivial interfaces” through the concept of games. These tools stimulate self-reflection, discussion and possibly negotiation to enhance the relations with the rest of the community, trying to promote awareness and responsibility among citizens and grounds for personal decisional power and social learning. V GAS and FISHU@LIS are presented as examples of such tools. They may be used individually or in a context of debate about empowerment and lifestyles strategies, and in educational contexts, as an instrument to raise issues and deploy discussions. The first one relates lifestyles with Climate Change, while the second relates personal consumptions with sustainable fisheries.


    VGAS and FISHU@LIS were developed within the VIRTUALIS project (contract no. IST-2000-28121) funded by DG INFSO, during FP 5. The V GAS modelling structure was carried out by the DG JRC1 team. The V GAS 3D interface was carried out by YDREAMS2 team.  The Fishu@lis Virtual Visit was developed and implemented by IMR3 and YDREAMS. The Fishu@lis Scenario Generator was developed by YDREAMS, IMR and CoMPLEX-UCL4 teams. The Fishu@lis Personal Barometer was developed by DG JRC team and CoMPLEX-UCL team.

    1 http://alba.jrc.it

    2 http://www.ydreams.com

    3 http://www.imr.no

    4 http://www.ucl.uk


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