“ℓ1-Based Construction of Polycube Maps from Complex Shapes” by Huang, Jiang, Shi, Tong, Bao, et al. …
- ℓ1-Based Construction of Polycube Maps from Complex Shapes
Session/Category Title: Surfaces, Shapes, and Maps
Polycube maps of triangle meshes have proved useful in a wide range of applications, including texture mapping and hexahedral mesh generation. However, constructing either fully automatically or with limited user control a low-distortion polycube from a detailed surface remains challenging in practice. We propose a variational method for deforming an input triangle mesh into a polycube shape through minimization of the ℓ1-norm of the mesh normals, regularized via an as-rigid-as-possible volumetric distortion energy. Unlike previous work, our approach makes no assumption on the orientation, or on the presence of features in the input model. User-guided control over the resulting polycube map is also offered to increase design flexibility. We demonstrate the robustness, efficiency, and controllability of our method on a variety of examples, and explore applications in hexahedral remeshing and quadrangulation.
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