1997 Technical Paper: Walter_Fitting Virtual Lights For Non-Diffuse Walkthroughs

“Fitting virtual lights for non-diffuse walkthroughs” by Walter, Alppay, Lafortune, Fernandez and Greenberg

1997 Technical Paper: Keller_Instant Radiosity

“Instant radiosity” by Keller

1997 Technical Paper: Drettakis_Interactive Update of Global Illumination Using a Line-Space Hierarchy

“Interactive update of global illumination using a line-space hierarchy” by Drettakis and Sillion

1997 Technical Paper: Veach_Metropolis Light Transport

“Metropolis light transport” by Veach and Guibas

1997 Technical Paper: Zhang_Visibility Culling using Hierarchical Occlusion Maps

“Visibility culling using hierarchical occlusion maps” by Zhang, Manocha, Hudson and Hoff

1997 Technical Paper: Durand_The Visibility Skeleton: A Powerful And Efficient Multi-Purpose Global Visibility Tool

“The visibility skeleton: a powerful and efficient multi-purpose global visibility tool” by Durand, Drettakis and Puech

1997 Technical Paper: Pharr_Rendering Complex Scenes with Memory-Coherent Ray Tracing

“Rendering complex scenes with memory-coherent ray tracing” by Pharr, Kolb, Gershbein and Hanrahan

1997 Technical Paper: Hodgins_Adapting Simulated Behaviors For New Characters

“Adapting simulated behaviors for new characters” by Hodgins and Pollard

1997 Technical Paper: Ferwerda_A Model of Visual Masking for Computer Graphics

“A model of visual masking for computer graphics” by Ferwerda, Shirley, Pattanaik and Greenberg

1997 Technical Paper: Geigel_A Model for Simulating the Photographic Development Process on Digital Images

“A model for simulating the photographic development process on digital images” by Geigel and Musgrave

1997 Technical Paper: Goldman_Fake Fur Rendering

“Fake fur rendering” by Goldman

1997 Technical Paper: Lafortune_Non-Linear Approximation of Reflectance Functions

“Non-linear approximation of reflectance functions” by Lafortune, Foo, Torrance and Greenberg

1997 Technical Paper: Interrante_Illustrating Surface Shape in Volume Data via Principal Direction-Driven 3D Line Integral Convolution

“Illustrating surface shape in volume data via principal direction-driven 3D line integral convolution” by Interrante

1997 Technical Paper: Garland_Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics

“Surface simplification using quadric error metrics” by Garland and Heckbert

1997 Technical Paper: Popovic_Progressive Simplicial Complexes

“Progressive simplicial complexes” by Popović and Hoppe

1997 Technical Paper: Horry_Tour Into the Picture: Using a Spidery Mesh Interface to Make Animation from a Single Image

“Tour into the picture: using a spidery mesh interface to make animation from a single image” by Horry, Anjyo and Arai

1997 Technical Paper: Lengyel_Rendering With Coherent Layers

“Rendering with coherent layers” by Lengyel and Snyder

1997 Technical Paper: Zorin_Interactive Multiresolution Mesh Editing

“Interactive multiresolution mesh editing” by Zorin, Schröder and Sweldens

1997 Technical Paper: Hoppe_View-Dependent Refinement of Progressive Meshes

“View-dependent refinement of progressive meshes” by Hoppe

1997 Technical Paper: Wood_Multiperspective Panoramas for Cel Animation

“Multiperspective panoramas for cel animation” by Wood, Finkelstein, Hughes, Thayer and Salesin

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