2014 Talks: Kingery_The Making of “Owned”: A Student-Built Iterative Pipeline

“The Making of “Owned”: A Student-Built Iterative Pipeline” by Holladay, Adams, Kingery, Clark, Crawford, et al. …

2014 Talks: Sahin_Dark Matter - A Tale of Virtual Production

“Dark Matter – A Tale of Virtual Production” by Sahin, Spielmann and Backhaus

2014 Talks: Counsell_'Stina & the Wolf' the Movie: Feature Film Production in Education

“Stina and the Wolf – Feature Film Production in Education” by Counsell and Charisse

2014 Talks: Buron_Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation Control

“Dynamic On-Mesh Procedural Generation Control” by Buron, Marvie, Guennebaud and Granier

2014 Talks: Bala_ASTC: The Extra Dimension

“ASTC: The Extra Dimension” by Smith, Bala, Day and Di Donato

2014 Talks: Bucur_Mobile GPU Compute Exploring the mobile GPU through OpenCL

“Mobile GPU compute exploring the mobile GPU through OpenCL” by Bucur

SIGGRAPH 1994: Technical Sketches

SIGGRAPH 1994: Technical Sketches

2014 Talks: Golas_A Continuum Model for Simulating Crowd Turbulence

“A continuum model for simulating crowd turbulence” by Golas, Narain and Lin

2014 Talks: Farrar_Real-Time Motion Capture of the Human Tongue

“Real-time motion capture of the human tongue” by Farrar, Balasubramanian and Eubanks

2014 Talks: Siddeek_Alternative Strategies for Runtime Facial Motion Capture

“Alternative strategies for runtime facial motion capture”

2014 Talks: Piña_Live real-time animation leveraging machine learning and game engine technology

“Live real-time animation leveraging machine learning and game engine technology” by Piña and Gambaretto

2014 Talks: Feng_Rapid Avatar Capture and Simulation Using Commodity Depth Sensors

“Rapid avatar capture and simulation using commodity depth sensors” by Feng, Shapiro, Ruizhe, Bolas, Medioni, et al. …

2014 Talks: Smith_The LEGO Movie: Bricks, Bricks and More Bricks

“The LEGO movie: bricks, bricks and more bricks” by Smith, Heckenberg and leBlanc

2014 Talks: Hegarty_Assembling Environments with LEGOscape

“Assembling environments with LEGOscape” by Hegarty, Smith and Jebens

2014 Talks: Seol_Tuning Facial Animation in a Mocap Pipeline

“Tuning facial animation in a mocap pipeline” by Seol and Lewis

2014 Talks: Baillet_The LEGO Movie: Construction, Animation And Demolition

“The LEGO movie: construction, animation and demolition” by Baillet, Heckenberg, Murphy, Sarsfield and Smith

2014 Talks: Opstal_Large Scale Simulation and Surfacing of Water and Ice Effects in Dragons 2

“Large scale simulation and surfacing of water and ice effects in Dragons 2” by Van Opstal, Janin, Museth and Alden

2014 Talks: Bailey_Packing the Water Pipe

“Packing the water pipe” by Bailey, Warner and Biddle

2014 Talks: Yoon_Weathering The Black Hole for ‘Peabody and Sherman’

“Weathering the black hole for ‘Peabody and Sherman'” by Yoon, Chen and Rost

2014 Talks: Siegel_Frozen on Ice: Rendering Frost and Ice on Frozen

“Frozen on ice: rendering frost and ice on Frozen” by Siegel

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