2011 Poster Yamamoto onNote A Musical Interface Using Markerless Physical Scores 01

“onNote: a musical interface using markerless physical scores” by Kakehi, Yamamoto and Uchiyama

2011 Poster Ban Meta ryoshka Haptic Illusion on Perceiving Shape 01

“Meta-ryoshka: haptic illusion on perceiving shape” by Ban, Kajinami, Narumi, Tanikawa and Hirose

2011 Poster Makino Metamorphic Light A Tabletop Tangible Interface Using Deformation of Plain Paper 01

“Metamorphic light: a tabletop tangible interface using deformation of plain paper” by Makino and Kakehi

2011 Poster Kanai PocoPoco A Tangible Device That Allows Users To Play Dynamic Tactile Interaction 01

“PocoPoco: a tangible device that allows users to play dynamic tactile interaction” by Kanai, Kikukawa, Suzuki, Baba and Kushiyama

2011 Poster Ochiai The Cyclone Display Rotation, Reflection, Flicker and Recognition combined to the pixels 01

“The cyclone display: rotation, reflection, flicker and recognition combined to the pixels.” by Ochiai and Takai

2011 Poster Fukushi Second Skin Motion Capture with Actuated Feedback for Motor Learning 01

“Second skin: motion capture with actuated feedback for motor learning” by Fukushi, Zizka and Raskar

2011 Poster Vaquero The Composition Context in Point and Shoot Photography 01

“The composition context in point-and-shoot photography” by Vaquero and Turk

2011 Poster Derouet Jourdan 3D Inverse Dynamic Modeling of Strands 01

“3D inverse dynamic modeling of strands” by Derouet-Jourdan, Bertails-Descoubes and Thollot

2011 Poster Kimura VITA Visualization system for Interaction with Transmitted Audio signals 01

“VITA: visualization system for interaction with transmitted audio signals” by Kimura, Hoshuyama, Tanikawa and Hirose

2011 Poster Cui 3D Shape Scanning with a Kinect 01

“3D shape scanning with a Kinect” by Cui and Stricker

2011 Poster Taneda 3D Reconstruction of Detail Change on Dynamic Non Rigid Objects 02

“3D reconstruction of detail change on dynamic non-rigid objects” by Taneda, Suda, Maejima and Morishima

2011 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Model-based visualization of future forest landscapes” by Schroth, Pond, Paar, Muir-Owen, Campbell, et al. …

2011 Poster Yu An Efficient PILP Algorithm for 3D Region Guarding and Star Decomposition 01

“An efficient PILP algorithm for 3D region guarding and star decomposition” by Yu and Li

2011 Poster Foster Hierarchical Upsampling for Fast Image Based Depth Estimation 01

“Hierarchical upsampling for fast image-based depth estimation” by Foster and Wang

2011 Poster Xing Band Decomposition of 2 Manifold Meshes For Physical Construction of Large Structures 01

“Band decomposition of 2-manifold meshes for physical construction of large structures” by Xing, Esquivel, Akleman, Chen and Gross

2011 Poster Hua Functional Tree Models Reacting to the Environment 01

“Functional tree models reacting to the environment” by Hua

2011 Poster Berger Refractive Index Dependent Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Functions 01

“Refractive index dependent bidirectional scattering distribution functions” by Berger, Reshetouski, Magnor and Ihrke

2011 Poster Jibai Multiscale Feature Preserving Smoothing of Tomographic Data 01

“Multiscale feature-preserving smoothing of tomographic data” by Jibai, Soler, Subr and Holzschuch

2011 Poster Mizoguchi Parts Identification and Motion Estimation on CT Scanned Assembly Meshes 01

“Parts identification and motion estimation on CT scanned assembly meshes” by Mizoguchi, Kobayashi, Shirai and Kanai

2011 Poster Bernhardt Real time Terrain Modeling using CPU GPU Coupled Computation 01

“Real-time terrain modeling using CPU: GPU coupled computation” by Bernhardt, Maximo, Velho, Hnaidi and Cani

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