2008 Posters: Nomura_funi: Flowers as User Networking Interface

“funi: flowers as user networking interface” by Nomura and Endo

2008 Posters: McGuire_GUIs for Real-time Programs using Universal Pointers

“GUIs for real-time programs using universal pointers” by McGuire

“Gaze and voice based game interaction: the revenge of the killer penguins” by Wilcox, Evans, Pearce, Pollard and Sundstedt

2008 Posters: Iwabuchi_LimpiDual Touch : Interactive Limpid Display with Dual-sided Touch Sensing

“LimpiDual touch: interactive limpid display with dual-sided touch sensing” by Iwabuchi, Kakehi and Naemura

2008 Posters: Uchida_KAGEO

“KAGEO” by Uchida and Inakage

2008 Posters: Komeiji_MeisterGRIP: Cylindrical Interface for Intuitional Robot Manipulation

“MeisterGRIP: cylindrical interface for intuitional robot manipulation” by Komeiji, Sato, Minamizawa, Nii, Kawakami, et al. …

2008 Posters: Abeysinghe_Interactive segmentation-free skeletonization of grayscale volumes

“Interactive segmentation-free skeletonization of grayscale volumes” by Abeysinghe

2008 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“investiGaming: gateway to research about gender, gaming, and computing” by Heeter and Winn

2008 Posters: Narumi_Mobile Interface Using Visible-Light Communication Technology for Pervasive Computing Environment

“Mobile interface using visible-light communication technology for pervasive computing environment” by Narumi, Hiyama, Tanikawa and Hirose

2008 Posters: Hayashi_Mutsugoto

“Mutsugoto: a body-drawing communicator for distant partners” by Hayashi, Agamanolis and Karau

2008 Posters: Nakatsuma_Node Self–Localization in the ”Two–Dimensional Communication” Networks

“Node self-localization in the “Two-Dimensional Communication” networks” by Nakatsuma, Makino and Shinoda

2008 Posters: Nambu_nioi café : Olfactory Display System with Visual Feedback

“nioi café: olfactory display system with visual feedback” by Nambu, Narumi, Nishimura, Tanikawa and Hirose

2008 Posters: Koriyama_munica: an Ad

“munica: an advancing age’s social networking device with greeting cards” by Koriyama, Namai, Kazato and Okude

2008 Posters: Kushiyama_Seismonasty

“Seismonasty” by Kushiyama and Sasada

2008 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Remote impact: shadowboxing over a distance” by Mueller, Agamanolis, Vetere and Gibbs

2008 Posters: Steinicke_The Holodeck C

“The holodeck construction manual” by Steinicke, Ropinski, Bruder and Hinrichs

2008 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Study on the brainwave-based alarming system to prevent children’s video & internet game addiction”

2008 Posters: Nakanishi_The Physical Object Interaction using A Glasses-type Display

“The physical object interaction using a glasses-type display” by Nakanishi and Horikoshi

2008 Posters: Yamakata_Touch, watch, and listen to the sound; Visualized two-dimensional plane vibration and its sound

“Touch, watch, and listen to the sound; visualized two-dimensional plane vibration and its sound” by Yamakata, Katsumoto and Kimura

2008 Posters: Calori_Virtual Rome

“Virtual Rome” by Calori, Camporesi, Negri and Pescarin

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