1987 17 Cover Topics In Physically Based Modeling

“Topics in Physically Based Modeling” by Barr, Barzel, Haumann, Platt, Terzopoulos, et al. …

1987 16 Cover The Modeling of Natural Phenomena

“The Modeling of Natural Phenomena” by Fournier, Bloomenthal, Oppenheimer, Reeves and Smith

1987 13 Cover Introduction to Ray Tracing

“Introduction to Ray Tracing” by Cook, Glassner, Haines, Hanrahan, Heckbert, et al. …

1987 12 Cover Using the Phigs Standard

“Using the PHIGS Standard” by Cahn, Abi-Ezzi, McGinnis and Shuey

1987 11 Cover Applying Graphics Standards

“Applying Graphics Standards” by Romans, Bruns, Pfaff and Puk

1987 10 Cover Computer Animation 3-D Motion Specification and Control

“Computer Animation: 3-D Motion – Specification and Control” by Sturman, Gomez, Gould, McQueen and Wilhelms

1987 09 Cover Computer Animation Using Video Techniques

“Computer Animation Using Video Techniques” by Kramer, Winkler, Chiani and Rosenfeld

1987 08 Cover Special Effects With Computer Graphics

“Special Effects With Computer Graphics” by Rosenfeld, Kay, Brigham and Taylor

1987 07 Cover Advance Computer Animation

“Advanced Computer Animation” by Rosebush, Badler, Rauh and Winter

1987 06 Cover The Mechanical Universe An Integrated View of a

“The Mechanical Universe an Integrated View of a Large Scale Animation Project” by Blinn

1987 04 Cover Integrating Music and Graphics

“Integrating Music And Graphics” by McDiffett, Buxton, Levitt, Rundgren, Seufert, et al. …

1987 03 Cover Animation Appreciation

“Animation Appreciation” by Brown, Entis, Herr, Joblove, Kay, et al. …

1987 02 Cover Documentation Graphics

“Documentation Graphics” by Beach, Bigelow, Mackinlay and Stone

1987 01 Cover Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics

“Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics” by Lathrop, Badler, Fichera and Machover

1986 30 Course Cover Financing And Asset Management Of The Developing High Growth Computer Graphics Company

“Financing and Asset Management of the Developing, High Growth Computer Graphics Company” by Martindale, Hurst, Meier, Gaswirth, Erickson, et al. …

1986 29 Course Cover Documentation Graphics

“Documentation Graphics” by Beach, Stone, Bigelow and Mackinlay

1986 28 Course Cover PC Based Systems For Professional Quality Graphics

“PC-Based Systems for Professional Quality Graphics” by Bickford, Hillman, Katz and Cahn

1986 26 Course Cover An Introduction To PHIGS_The Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics Systems

“An Introduction to PHIGS: The Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System” by Cahn, Heck, McGinnis and Puk

1986 25 Course Cover Understanding The Computer Graphics Virtual Device Interface CG VDI

“Understanding the Computer Graphics Virtual Device Interface (CG-VDI)” by Bono and Arnold

1986 24 Course Cover Computer Animation Using Video Techniques

“Computer Animation Using Video Techniques” by Kramer, Chiani, Jackson and Rosenfeld

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