“Fractals: Introduction Basics and Application” Chaired by Dietmar Saupe

“3-D Character Animation by Computer” by Baerle, Gibson, Bjorke and Lasseter

“Special Effects With Computer Graphics” by Winkler, Joblove, Brigham and Taylor

“Synthetic Actors: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Animation” by Thalmann, Wyvill and Zeltzer

“Introduction To Computer Animation” by Rosebush, Goldstein, Hahn and Saz

“Applying Graphics Standards” by Bruns, Puk and Dudani

“Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics” by Lathrop, Badler, Fichera and Machover

1994 23 Cover Computational Representations of Geometry

“Computational Representations of Geometry” by Naylor, Bajaj, DeRose, Edelsbrunner, Kaufman, et al. …

1994 27 Cover Visualizing and Examining Large Scientific Datasets-A Focus on the Physical and Natural Sciences

“Visualizing and Examining Large Scientific Data Sets: A Focus on the Physical and Natural Sciences” Chaired by Theresa-Marie Rhyne

1994 32 Cover An Introduction to Physically-Based Modeling

“An Introduction to Physically-Based Modeling” by Witkin, Baraff and Kass

1987 30 Cover Digital Image Processing Fundamentals

“Digital Image Processing Fundamentals”

1987 29 Cover Algorithms For Data Representation Graphics

“Algorithms for Data Representation Graphics” by Wright and Henderson

1987 28 Cover Computer Graphics And Animation In The Physical

“Computer Graphics and Animation in the Physical Sciences” by Wolff, Upson, Kovacs, Max, Judd, et al. …

1987 27 Cover Computer Graphics and the Sciences

“Computer Graphics and the Sciences” by Cook, Barr, Blinn, Carpenter, Drebin, et al. …

1987 26 Cover Advanced Topics In Solid Modeling

“Advanced topics in Solid Modeling” by Pratt, Weiler, Miller, Rossignac and Thomas

1987 25 Cover Introduction to Solid Modelling

“Introduction to Solid Modelling” by Allen, Miller and Johnson

1987 24 Cover Color in Computer Graphics

“Color in Computer Graphics” by Marcus, Murch, Smith and Robertson

1987 23 Cover Introduction to Window Management

“Introduction To Window Management” by Ganek, Steinhart, Gosling, Greco and Post

1987 22 Cover User Interface Management Systems

“User Interface Management Systems”

1987 18 Cover Quadtree and Octree Methods

“Quadtree and Octree Methods” by Samet

1 59 60 61 62 63 68