1989 24 Cover Stereographics

“Stereographics” by Hodges, Love, McAllister, Johnson and Beaton

1989 23 Cover Math for SIGGRAPH

“Math for SIGGRAPH” by Shoemake, DeRose, Kajiya and Platt

1989 22 Cover State of the Art in Facial Animation

“State of the Art in Facial Animation”

1989 21 Cover Fractals Analysis and Modeling

“Fractals: Analysis and Modeling”

1989 20 Cover Solid Modeling Architectures, Mathematics, and Algorithms

“Solid Modeling: Architectures, Mathematics, and Algorithms” by Miller, Allen, Wilson and Weiler

1989 19 Cover Curve and Surface Design From Geometry to Applications

“Curve and Surface Design: From Geometry to Applications” by Farin, Barnhill, Nielson and Foley

1989 18 Cover Radiosity

“Radiosity” by Greenberg, Cohen, Hall, Rushmeier and Wallace

1989 17 Cover Introduction to Visual Programming Environments

“Introduction to Visual Programming Environments” by Glinert, Brown and Myers

1989 16 Cover Parallel Processing and Advanced Architectures in Computer Graphics

“Parallel Processing and Advanced Architectures in Computer Graphics” by Whitman, Crow, Fuchs and Gharachorloo

1989 15 Cover Usability Testing and Design Guidelines for Graphical User Interfaces

“Usability Testing and Design Guidelines for Graphical User Interfaces” by Aucella, Ramey and Mountford

1989 14 Cover Contemporary Approaches to Geometry for Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design

“Contemporary Approaches to Geometry for Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design” by Goldman, DeRose, Sederberg and Barsky

1989 13 Cover Two and Three Dimensional Visualization Workshop

“Two and Three Dimensional Visualization Workshop” by Upson, Wolff, Weinberg and Kerlick

1989 12 Cover An Introduction to Ray Tracing

“An Introduction to Ray Tracing”

1989 11 Cover Introduction to Window Management

“Introduction to Window Management” by Steinhart, Callow, LaVallee and Greco

1989 10 Cover Introduction to Practical Issues in Color Reproduction and Selection

“Introduction to Practical Issues in Color Reproduction and Selection” by Meyer, Cowan, Stone and Wandell

1989 09 Cover Introduction to Computer Animation

“Introduction to Computer Animation” by Rosebush, Elson, Weil and Jasmin

1989 08 Cover Emerging User Interface Media Potentials and Challenges

“Emerging User-Interface Media: Potentials and Challenges” by Schmandt, Bender, Jacob and Fisher

1989 07 Cover Experiential Computer Art

“Experiential Computer Art” by Petrovich, Krueger, Rokeby, Sandin, DeFanti, et al. …

1989 06 Cover Applications Programming for the X Window System

“Applications Programming for the X Window System” by Jones, Erf and Young

1989 05 Cover Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics

“Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics” by Lathrop, Badler, Fichera and Machover

1 57 58 59 60 61 68