“An Introduction to Physically based Modeling” Chaired by Andrew P. Witkin and Michael Kass

“Radiosity” Chaired by Donald P. Greenberg

“Virtual Interface Technology (Virtual Reality)” Chaired by Tom Furness

“Photorealistic Volume Modeling and Rendering Techniques” by Inakage, Greene, Kajiya, Levoy, Perlin, et al. …

“Blossoming, The New Polar-Form Approach to Spline Curves and Surfaces” by Seidel, Barry, Goldman and Ramshaw

“Topics in the Construction, Manipulation and Assessment of Spline Surfaces” by Bartels, DeRose, Forsey and Warn

“Generation of Three-Dimensional Data for Computer Image Synthesis” by Carlson, Parent, Weiler and Whitted

“Object and Constraint Paradigms for Graphics” by Freeman-Benson, Laffra, Blake and Wisskirchen

“The RenderMan Interface and Shading Language” by Apodaca, Beffrey, Hanrahan, Peachey and Upstill

“Advanced Techniques in Human Modeling, Animation” by Thalmann, Badler, Terzopoulos and Magnenat-Thalmann

1991 19 Cover Technical Evaluation of 30 Graphics Workstations

“Technical Evaluation of 3D Graphics Workstations” by Nelson, Deering, Naegle and Rost

“High Definition Television (HDTV) Technology” by Caillouet, Poynton, Reitmeier and Thorpe

“Video Technology for Computer Graphics” by Winkler

“X3D-PEX (PEX): Three-Dimensional Graphics in a Distributed Window System” by Huntington, Hess and Friedberg

“PHIGS Plus, Proposed Extension to PHIGS Graphics Standard” by Henderson, Gouraud, Hamlin, McGinnis, Stapleton, et al. …

“Fractal Modeling in 3D Computer Graphics and Imaging” by Wuorinen, Hart, Musgrave, Gunn, Mandelbrot, et al. …

“Introduction to Fractals” Chaired by Dietmar Saupe

“Frontiers in Rendering” by Glassner, Gunn, Haines, Hanrahan, Kochevar, et al. …

“Visualizing Multidimensional Data” by Wilks, Becker, Cleveland and Shyu

“Understanding Visual Perception and its Impact in Computer Graphics” by Guenter, Davis, Ferwerda, Meyer and Thibos

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