Inventory: Missing Course Notes


Missing: [Final Programs] [Advance Programs] [ Call for Participation] [Locators] [Course Notes] [SIGGRAPH Video Reviews] [Electronic Theater Booklets] [Art and Animation Catalogs] [Slide Sets]

If you have any of these items and are willing to donate them, send them to Bonnie Mitchell, 1000 Fine Arts Building, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403

2002 2002 1 Mathematics and Physics for Coding Motion and Interactivity in Web Graphics
2002 2 Advanced Global Illumination
2002 3 Developing Efficient Graphics Software
2002 4 Multidimensional Visualization With Applications to Multivariate Problems
2002 5 Image-Based Lighting
2002 6 Human-Centered Processes in Virtual Environments: Methodologies and Real-Life Case Studies
2002 7 Introducing X3D
2002 8 My Work Is Finished, Now What Do I Do? A Guide to Making a Dynamite Demo Reel
2002 9 Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques
2002 10 Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics
2002 11 MPEG-4: Next-Generation Standard for Interactive Media
2002 13 Perceptual and Artistic Principles for Effective Computer Depiction
2002 14 Advanced Issues in Level of Detail
2002 15 Design of Interactive Multimodal Media Systems
2002 16 RenderMan in Production
2002 17 State of the Art in Hardware Shading
2002 18 XML Basics for XHTML, SVG, and SMIL
2002 19 Panic-Free Public Speaking
2002 20 Design and Implementation of Direct Manipulation in 3D
2002 21 A Field Guide to Digital Color
2002 22 Practical Parallel Rendering
2002 23 Recent Advances in Non-Photorealistic Rendering for Art and Visualization
2002 24 Introduction to SVG and SMIL
2002 25 Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems
2002 26 Light Interaction With Plants
2002 27 Recreating the Past
2002 28 Motion Capture: Pipeline, Applications, and Use
2002 29 Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces
2002 30 Character Setup From Rig Mechanics to Skin Deformations: A Practical Approac
2002 31 Interactive Geometric Computations Using Graphics Hardware
2002 32 Stuart Little 2: Let the Feathers Fly
2002 33 Introduction to Computer Graphics
2002 34 Building Interactive Spaces
2002 35 Super-Size It! Scaling Up to Massive Virtual Worlds
2002 36 Real-Time Shading Languages
2002 37 Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques
2002 38 Introduction to the Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graphics
2002 39 Acquiring Material Models Using Inverse Rendering
2002 40 The Web as a Procedural Sketchbook
2002 41 Non-Traditional Modeling
2002 42 High-Quality Volume Graphics on Consumer PC Hardware
2002 43 A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping
2002 44 Image-Based Modeling
2002 45 Sounds Good to Me! Computational Sound for Graphics, VR, and Interactive Systems
2002 46 OpenGL 2.0
2002 47 Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments
2002 48 Dynamic Media on Demand: Exploring Wireless and Wired Streaming Technologies and Content
2002 49 Understanding Virtual Environments: Immersion, Presence, and Performance
2002 50 Image Processing for Volume Graphics
2002 51 Mathematical Optimization in Graphics and Vision
2002 52 Advanced Virtual Medicine: Techniques and Applications for Virtual Endoscopy
2002 53 Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Digital Rights Management for Computer Graphics
2002 54 Obtaining 3D Models With a Hand-Held Camera
2002 56 Imagery, Symbolism, and Human Consciousness
2002 57 NURBS (NonUniform Rational B-Splines): A Primer
2002 58 Psychometrics 101: How to Design, Conduct, and Analyze Perceptual Experiments in Computer Graphics
2002 59 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
2002 55 Projector-Based Graphics
1980 1 Introduction to Raster Graphics
1980 2 User Interfaces to Graphics Systems
1980 4 Low Cost Computer Graphics
1980 6 Advanced (3D) Raster Graphics
1980 7 Computer Aided Design
1982 14 Graphic Design and Information Graphics
2001 2001 1 The Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graphics
2001 2 Obtaining 3D Models With a Hand-Held Camera
2001 3 Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques
2001 4 A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
2001 5 Visualizing Quaternions
2001 6 Object Space Visibility
2001 7 A Primer on Shapes: Curves and Surfaces
2001 8 An Introduction to the Kalman Filter
2001 9 Media-Rich Programming With OpenML
2001 10 State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection
2001 11 Tracking: Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought
2001 12 Developing Efficient Graphics Software
2001 13 Interactive Ray-Tracing
2001 14 Image-Based Lighting
2001 15 Visualizing Relativity
2001 16 Gaming Techniques for Designing Compelling Virtual Worlds
2001 17 Geometric Signal Processing on Large Polygonal Meshes
2001 18 Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems
2001 19 Shrek’: The Story Behind the Screen
2001 20 Advanced Global Illumination
2001 21 Seeing is Believing: Reality Perception in Modeling, Rendering, and Animation
2001 22 Intro to SMIL
2001 23 Motion Dynamics Animation Workshop
2001 24 Real-Time Shading
2001 25 Physically Based Modeling
2001 26 Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks, Supporting Collaboration, and Stepping up to Wireless Connectivity
2001 27 Augmented Reality: The Interface is Everywhere
2001 28 Introduction to Computer Graphics
2001 29 State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis
2001 20 Visibility, Problems, Techniques, and Applications
2001 31 Computer Graphics for Large-Scale Immersive Theaters
2001 32 Nonphotorealistic Rendering in Scientific Visualization
2001 33 New Directions in Shape Representations
2001 34 User-Interface Design for Work, Home, and on the Way
2001 35 The Technology and Practice of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)
2001 36 From Ivory Tower to Silver Screen: Visual Effects Companies Reveal How Research and Development Finds its Way Into Production
2001 37 Commodity-Based Scalable Visualization
2001 38 A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping
2001 39 3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models
2001 40 Practical Parallel Processing for Today’s Rendering Challenges
2001 41 How to Give a Great SIGGRAPH Talk
2001 42 Seeing in 3D
2001 43 Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics
2001 44 Advanced Topics in 3D User Interface Design
2001 45 Advanced Issues in Level of Detail
2001 46 Acquisition and Visualization of Surface Light Fields
2001 47 Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques
2001 48 Advanced RenderMan 3
2001 49 Image Processing for Volume Graphics
2001 50 Digital Geometry Processing
2001 51 Making Motion Capture Useful
2001 52 DirectX 8 Graphics
2001 53 Geometric Algebra
2001 54 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
2000 2000 1 The Art and Technology of Disney’s “Dinosaur”
2000 2 Physically Based Parametric Sound Synthesis and Control
2000 3 Getting Started With the Java Media APIs
2000 4 Visibility: Problems, Techniques, and Applications
2000 5 Eye-Based Interaction in Graphical Systems: Theory & Practice
2000 6 Developing Efficient Graphics Software
2000 8 A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Maps
2000 9 Visualizing Quaternions
2000 10 A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
2000 11 Visual Curves and Surfaces: A Non-Technical Approach
2000 12 Obtaining 3D Models with a Hand-Held Camera
2000 13 Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments
2000 14 “Stuart Little:” A Tale of Fur, Costumes, Performances, and Integration: Breathing Real Life Into a Digital Character
2000 15 Migrating to an Object-Oriented Graphics API
2000 16 Image-Based Surface Details
2000 17 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
2000 18 Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets
2000 19 3D Photography
2000 20 Modeling for Medical Applications
2000 21 Color Science and Color Management for CGI and Film
2000 22 Introduction to Computer Graphics
2000 23 Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
2000 24 Smart Animated Agents
2000 25 Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice
2000 26 Motion Editing: Principles, Practice, and Promise
2000 27 Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware
2000 28 Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Supporting Collaboration
2000 29 Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API
2000 30 Practical Parallel Processing for Realistic Rendering
2000 31 Geometric Algebra: New Foundations, New Insights
2000 32 Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL
2000 33 Animating Humans by Combining Simulation and Motion Capture
2000 34 The Convergence of Scientific Visualization Methods with the World Wide Web
2000 35 Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting
2000 36 3D User Interface Design: Fundamental Techniques, Theory, and Practice
2000 37 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
2000 38 3D Geometry Compression
2000 39 Games Research: The Science of Interactive Entertainment
2000 40 Advanced RenderMan 2: To RI_INFINITY and Beyond
2000 41 Advanced Issues in Level of Detail
2000 42 Developing Shared Virtual Environments
2000 43 Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics
2000 44 Image Quality Metrics
2000 45 The Technology of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)
1999 1999 1 Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments
1999 2 2D and 3D Image Registration and Image Warping
1999 3 Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API
1999 4 Practical Generation of Models From Acquired Data
1999 5 From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets
1999 6 Fundamental Issues of Visual Perception for Effective Image Generation
1999 8 Case Study: Scanning Michelangelo’s Florentine Pietá
1999 9 System Designs for Visualizing Large-Scale Scientific Data
1999 10 Developing Efficient Graphics Software
1999 11 Visualizing Quaternions
1999 12 Lighting and Shading Techniques for Interactive Applications
1999 13 A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
1999 14 From Concept to Creation in Two Hours: The Advent of 3D Desktop Publishing
1999 15 Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
1999 16 When All You Have is a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail
1999 17 Non-Photorealistic Rendering
1999 18 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1999 19 3D Computer Animation Workshop
1999 20 Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets
1999 21 Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Supporting Collaboration
1999 22 3D Geometric Compression
1999 23 Virtual Worlds/Real Sounds
1999 24 A Visual Effects Galaxy
1999 25 Advanced RenderMan: Beyond the Companion
1999 26 Simulating Nature: From Theory to Application
1999 27 Smart(er) Animated Agents
1999 28 3D Photography
1999 29 Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL
1999 30 An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL
1999 31 Why Does it Do That? 10 Mysteries of Computer Artmaking Revealed Art
1999 32 CPU Extensions for Graphics and Video
1999 33 Modeling Techniques for Medical Applications
1999 34 Developing Shared Virtual Environments
1999 35 Motion Editing: Principles, Practice, and Promise
1999 36 Physically Based Modeling
1999 37 Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
1999 38 Haptics: From Basic Principles to Advanced Applications
1999 39 Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting
1999 40 Introduction to Programming With Java 3D
1999 41 Volume Graphics
1999 42 Color Science for Film, Video, and CGI
1998 1998 1 Physical Interaction: The Nuts and Bolts of Using Touch Interfaces with Computer Graphics Applications
1998 2 Exploring Gigabyte Data Sets in Real Time: Algorithms, Data Management and Time-Critical Design
1998 3 Parallel and Distributed Photo-Realistic Rendering
1998 4 Advanced Geometric Techniques for Ray Casting Volumes
1998 5 A Basic Guide to Global Illumination
1998 6 From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets
1998 7 A Visual Introduction to OpenGL Programming
1998 8 Theory and Practice of “Tour Into the Picture”
1998 9 Fundamentals of Video Compression Techniques
1998 10 Hardcore AI for Computer Games and Animation
1998 11 Advanced RenderMan: Beyond the Companion
1998 13 Physically Based Modeling
1998 14 Applied Virtual Reality
1998 15 Image-Based Modeling and Rendering
1998 16 Procedural Implicit Techniques for Modeling and Texturing
1998 17 Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL
1998 19 Beyond Bottlenecks and Roadblocks: Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics
1998 20 Real-Time Graphics for Visual Simulation: Advanced Techniques from the Top Down
1998 21 3D Geometry Compression
1998 23 3D Visualization in Medicine
1998 24 Advances in Volume Visualization
1998 25 Color Image Coding
1998 26 Color Management: Theory and Implementation
1998 27 Introduction to Audio Compression and Representation
1998 28 Virtual Humans: Behaviors and Physics, Acting and Reacting
1998 29 Developing High-Performance Graphics Applications for the PC Platform
1998 30 Art for Computer Graphicists
1998 31 Cloth and Clothing in Computer Graphics
1998 33 Rendering with Radiance: A Practical Tool for Global Illumination
1998 34 3D Computer Animation Workshop
1998 36 Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
1998 38 Immersive Environments: Research, Applications, and Magic
1998 39 The Art of Disney’s “Mulan”
1998 40 Compositing in the Digital Film Industry: Case Studies in Film Production
1998 41 How to Survive as a Computer Graphics Entrepreneur
1998 42 Parallel Graphics and Visualization Technology
1998 43 Digital Video: Algorithms and Interfaces
1998 44 Digital Video: Motion JPEG, MPEG-2, DVC, and DVD
1998 46 Computer Graphics Beyond the Third Dimension
1997 1997 1 Motion Capture in Practice
1997 3 Programming with OpenGL: An Introduction
1997 4 Exploring Gigabyte Datasets in Real Time: Algorithms, Data Management, and Time-Critical Design
1997 5 Sound Bytes VRML Authoring for Noisy Worlds
1997 7 Design and Application of Object-Oriented 3D Visualization Systems
1997 8 Texture Synthesis with Line Integral Convolution
1997 10 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1997 11 Programming with OpenGL: Advanced Techniques
1997 12 Interactive Walk-Through of Complex Environments
1997 15 Applied Virtual Reality
1997 16 Interactive Movies: Techniques, Technologies, and Contents
1997 17 Virtual Humans: Behaviors and Physics, Acting, and Reacting
1997 18 Beyond Bottlenecks and Roadblocks: Internetwork Computer Graphics
1997 20 Computer Animation Using Digital Video for the Web, Multimedia, and Broadcast
1997 21 Designing Real-Time Graphics for Entertainment
1997 22 Mastering Visible Wisdom: Graphic Design for Usable GUIs of Productivity Tools, Multimedia, and the Web
1997 24 OpenGL and Window System Integration
1997 26 3D Computer Animation Workshop
1997 27 Scanning and Recording of Motion Picture Film
1997 28 Authoring Compelling and Efficient VRML 2.0 Worlds
1997 29 Programming Virtual Worlds
1997 30 Making Direct Manipulation Work in Virtual Reality
1997 35 Introduction to Java3D
1997 6 Stereo Computer Graphics for Virtual Reality
1997 13 Digital Color
1997 19 Physically Based Modeling Principles and Practice
1997 23 Artificial Life for Graphics, Animation, Multimedia, and Virtual Reality
1997 25 Multiresolution Surface Modeling
1997 31 Principles of Volume Visualization
1997 32 Advances in Volume Visualization
1997 33 Principles of Visual Perception and Its Applications in Computer Graphics
1997 34 Warping and Morphing of Graphical Objects
1997 14 New Frontiers in Modeling and Texturing
1996 1996 1 The Making of “Toy Story”
1996 5 The Design and Application of Object-Oriented 3D Graphics and Visualization Systems
1996 7 Global Illumination in Architecture and Theater
1996 8 Information Visualization
1996 9 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1996 10 Procedural Modeling and Animation Techniques
1996 11 Implicit Surfaces for Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics
1996 13 Wavelets in Computer Graphics
1996 16 Visualizing Scientific Data and Information: Focusing on the Physical and Natural Sciences
1996 17 Creating and Manipulating Sound to Enhance Computer Graphics I: Algorithms and Techniques
1996 18 Creating and Manipulating Sound to Enhance Computer Graphics II: Applications and Demonstrations
1996 19 High-Technology Marketing: An Introduction to Key Concepts and Tools for Strategic Marketing of Technology Products
1996 20 Introduction to Digital Compositing
1996 21 Intermediate Digital Compositing
1996 23 Programming with OpenGL: Advanced Rendering
1996 24 How to Survive as a Computer Graphics Entrepreneur
1996 25 Life-Like, Believable Communication Agents
1996 27 Fractal Models for Image Synthesis, Compression, and Analysis
1996 28 Digital Color
1996 29 Representations of Geometry for Computer Graphics
1996 33 Designing Real-Time 3D Graphics for Entertainment
1996 34 Volume Visualization: Principles and Practice
1996 35 Interactive Walkthrough of Large Geometric Databases
1995 1995 4 Using Renderman in Animation Production
1995 5 Tricks of the Trade: Computer Graphics Productions
1995 6 Designing Real Time 3D Graphics for Entertainment
1995 8 Programming Virtual Worlds
1995 9 Developing Advanced Virtual Reality Applications
1995 10 Sound for Animation and Virtual Reality
1995 11 Dynamic Behaviors for Real-Time Synthetic Humans
1995 12 VRML: Using 3D to Surf the Web
1995 13 Electronic Publishing an CD-ROM
1995 14 Practical Guide to Recording Video Animation from Computer Graphics
1995 15 Making Multimedia: From Vaporware to Goldrush
1995 16 Intro to Video and Audio Compression Techniques
1995 17 Programming with OpenGL: An Introduction
1995 21 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1995 25 Computer Vision for Computer Graphics
1995 26 Wavelets and Their Application to Computer Graphics
1995 27 Visualizing Multi-Dimensional Geometry and Applications to Multi-Variate Problems
1995 30 Advanced Techniques for Scientific Visualization
1995 32 Interactive Walkthrough of Large Geometric Databases
1995 33 Procediral Modeling, Texturing, and Animation Techniques
1993 1993 1 Character Motion Systems
1993 2 Introduction to Scientific Visualization Tools and Techniques
1993 3 Developing Large Scale Graphics Software Toolkits
1993 9 Introduction to Volume Visualization Imaging Multidimensional Scientific Data
1993 11 Introduction to Volume Visualization Imaging Multidimensional Scientific Data
1993 16 Stereo Computer Graphics with Application to Virtual Reality
1993 20 Computer Graphics in Visual Effects
1993 21 Three dimensional Visualization Using Medical Data
1993 22 Making Radiosity Practical
1993 24 Graphic Design for User Interfaces
1993 25 Modeling, Visualizing, and Animating Implicit Surfaces
1993 26 The OpenGL Graphics Interface
1993 27 MM: Designing Multimedia Environments for Children
1993 29 MM: Concepts of Color, Video, and Compression
1993 40 RES Modeling in Computer Graphics
1993 41 RES Volume Visualization
1993 42 RES Global Illumination
1993 43 Implementing Virtual Reality
1993 44 RES Procedural Modeling and Rendering Techniques
1993 45 MM: Survey of Formal Standards for Multimedia Systems
1993 51 MM: Copyright Protection for Software, Graphics, and Multimedia
1993 52 MM: Multimedia and Multimodal Parsing
1993 56 MM: Structured Design of Hypermedia Applications
1993 57 MM: Large Multimedia Databases
1993 60 RES An Introduction to Physically Based Modeling
1993 61 Film Craft in User Interface Design
1993 62 Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics
1993 71 Visualizing Planet Earth
1993 76 The Fundamentals of Color Desktop Publishing in Print Production
1993 80 Recent Techniques in Human Modeling Animation and Rendering
1993 81 An Introduction to Data Sonification
1993 82 RES Curve and Surface Design: From Geometry to Applications
1992 1992 14 The OpenGL Graphics Interface
1992 15 Curve and Surface Design: From Geometry to Applications
1992 16 Particle System Modeling, Animation, and Physically Based Techniques
1992 18 Global Illumination
1991 1991 15 PHIGS Plus, Proposed Extension to PHIGS Graphics Standard
1991 16 X3D-PEX (PEX): Three-Dimensional Graphics in a Distributed Window System
1991 17 Video Technology for Computer Graphics
1991 27 Photorealistic Volume Modeling and Rendering Techniques
1990 1990 16 Introduction To Window Management
1990 24 Advanced Topics in Ray Tracing
1989 1989 17 Introduction to Visual Programming Environments
1989 21 Fractals: Analysis and Modeling
1988 1988 1 Fundamentals and Overview of Computer Graphics
1988 2 Applying Graphics Standards
1988 3 Introduction To Computer Animation
1988 4 Synthetic Actors: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics on Animation
1988 5 Special Effects With Computer Graphics
1988 6 3-D Character Animation by Computer
1988 8 Fractals: Introduction Basics and Application
1988 7 Introduction to Raytracing
1988 9 Image Synthesis
1988 10 A Consumer’s and Developer’s Guide to Image Synthesis
1988 11 Introduction To Window Management
1988 12 Introduction To Programming The X Window System
1988 13 The PostScript Page Description Language
1988 14 Digital Typography
1988 15 User Interface Management Systems
1988 16 User Interface Considerations of Windowing Systems
1988 17 Color in Computer Graphics
1988 18 Algorithms for Data Representation Graphics
1988 19 Visualization Techniques in the Physical Sciences
1988 20 Computer Graphics in Science
1988 21 Stereoscopic And Multiplanar Computer Graphics
1988 22 Object-Oriented Graphics
1988 23 Introduction To Solid Modelling
1988 24 Curve and Surface Design From Geometry to Applications
1988 25 Contemporary Approaches to Geometry for Computer Graphics and Computer Aided Design
1988 28 Functional-based Modeling
1987 1987 17 Topics in Physically Based Modeling
1987 20 The Geometry of Curve and Surface Design
1984 1984 2 Color Perception
1984 8 Introduction to Computer Animation
1984 9 Advanced Computer Graphics Animation
1984 10 Introduction to TV, Video, Film, Printing
1984 13 Technologies of Highly Interactive Computer Graphics
1984 15 The Mathematics of Computer Graphics
1984 16 Graphics Applications in Robotics
1984 17 CAD Systems
1984 18 Introduction to Solid Modeling
1984 19 Advanced Topics in Solid Modeling
1984 20 Freeform Curves and Surfaces I
1984 21 Freeform Curves and Surfaces II
1984 22 VLSI and Computer Graphics
1984 24 Medical and Biological Applications of Computer Graphics
1984 25 Office Automation with a Graphical Accent
1992 1982 13 State-of-the-Art in Image Synthesis
1980 1980 3 Title MISSING
1979 1979 1 Introduction to Computer Graphics
1979 6 Graphics Standards
1978 1978 Computer Aided Design Tutorial
1978 Workshop on Standards for Computer Graphics