2001 Talks: Hendler_“How the Grinch Stole Christmas:” The Who Construction Kit

““How the Grinch Stole Christmas:” The Who Construction Kit” by Hendler and Lemmon

2001 Talks: Ohshima_“2001: An MR-Space Odyssey:” Applying MixedReality Technology to VFX in Filmmaking

“2D Shape Interpolation Using a Hierarchical Approach” by Ohshima, Kuroki, Kobayashi, Yamamoto and Tamura

2001 Talks: El-Hakim_A Flexible Approach To 3D Reconstruction From Single Images

“A Flexible Approach To 3D Reconstruction From Single Images” by El-Hakim

2001 Talks: Dingliana_Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail

“Collisions and Adaptive Levels of Detail” by Dingliana, O’Sullivan and Bradshaw

2001 Talks: Cater_Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing

“Change Blindness with Varying Rendering Fidelity: Looking but Not Seeing” by Cater, Chalmers and Dalton

2001 Talks: Gupta_Calibration-Free, Easy 3D Modeling from Turntable Image Sequences

“Calibration-Free, Easy 3D Modeling from Turntable Image Sequences” by Gupta and Sengupta

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Averaged Area Tables for Texture Filtering” by Behrens

2001 Talks: Sakamoto_ComicDiary: Representing Individual Experiences

“ComicDiary: Representing Individual Experiences in Comics Style” by Sakamoto, Sumi, Nakao and Mase

2001 Talks: Greene_Computing Nearly Exact Visible Sets within a Shaft with 4D Hierarchical Z-Buffering

“Computing Nearly Exact Visible Sets within a Shaft with 4D Hierarchical Z-Buffering” by Greene

2001 Talks: Frisken_Computing 3D Geometry Directly from Range Images

“Computing 3D Geometry Directly from Range Images” by Frisken and Perry

2001 Talks: Ho_Compressing Large Polygonal Models

“Compressing Large Polygonal Models” by Ho

2001 SIGGRAPH Image Not Available

“Creative Approaches to the Integration of CGI with Traditional Animation in Disney’s “Atlantis: The Lost Empire”” by Joshi and Hobbs

2001 Talks: Kiyokawa_ELMO: A Head-Mounted Display for Real-Time Image Synthesis

“ELMO: A Head-Mounted Display for Real-Time Image Synthesis” by Kiyokawa, Ohno and Kurata

2001 Talks: Kawai_Elastic Object Manipulation Using Coarse-toFine Representation of Mass-Spring Models

“Elastic Object Manipulation Using Coarse-to-Fine Representation of Mass-Spring Models” by Kawai, Matsumiya, Yokoya and Takemura

2001 Talks: Simmons_Efficient Update of Geometric Constraints in the Tapestry Evolving Mesh Representation

“Efficient Update of Geometric Constraints in the Tapestry Evolving Mesh Representation” by Simmons, McMains and Séquin

2001 Talks: Pope_Dynamic Meshing Using Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields

“Dynamic Meshing Using Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields” by Pope, Frisken and Perry

2001 Talks: Perlin_Flow Noise

“Flow Noise” by Perlin and Neyret

2001 Talks: Lee_Feature-Based Topological Mesh Metamorphosis

“Feature-Based Topological Mesh Metamorphosis” by Lee and Ahn

2001 Talks: Raghavachary_Fast-moving Water in DreamWorks’ “Spirit”

“Fast-moving Water in DreamWorks’ “Spirit”” by Raghavachary and Lindquist

2001 Talks: Séquin_Fair and Robust Curve Interpolation on the Sphere

“Fair and Robust Curve Interpolation on the Sphere” by Séquin and Yen

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