“Virtualization Gate” by Petit, Lesage, Boyer and Raffin

  • ©Benjamin Petit, Jean-Denis Lesage, Edmond Boyer, and Bruno Raffin



Entry Number: 26


    Virtualization Gate



    The virtual reality community developed solutions for immersion based on advanced display technologies, mainly head-mounted displays (HMDs) and immersive multi-projector environments like Caves. Though these environments provide an impressive sense of immersion, users are usually limited in the way they can interact with virtual objects. Their influence on the 3D world, including users appearance, is very limited, impairing the immersion experience. Limitations come from the ability to perceive data from the users. Usually in 3D environments, interactions rely on a 3D tracker providing the position, velocity and identification of a limited set of markers the user is equipped with. Avatars can be used to enforce the sense of presence, but they lack to provide detailed information about the actual user body position or visual appearance.

Additional Images:

©Benjamin Petit, Jean-Denis Lesage, Edmond Boyer, and Bruno Raffin ©Benjamin Petit, Jean-Denis Lesage, Edmond Boyer, and Bruno Raffin


    We would like to thank the following persons for their fruitful contributions to the project : Laurence Boissieux, INRIA, Thomas Dupeux, INRIA, Nicolas Turro,INRIA, Herv´e Mathieu, INRIA, , Franois Faure, Grenoble Universities, Florent Falipou, INRIA, Micha¨el Adam, INRIA, Cl´ement M´enier, 4DView Solutions, Florian Geffray, 4DView Solutions.

    This work was partly funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche, contract ANR-06-MDCA-003.


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