“Virtual and Material: Applied Research at Emily Carr University” by Lantin and Doyle

  • ©Maria Lantin and Keith Doyle




    Virtual and Material: Applied Research at Emily Carr University



    Applied and partnered research at Emily Carr University takes place within four active research centres:

    Social and Interactive Media Centre (SIM): Focused on interaction and communication design, and entrepreneurship.

    Health Design Lab (HDL): Applies solution-focused, humancentred research methodologies to complex problems in health care. Stereoscopic 3D Centre (S3D): Advanced imaging experimentation applied to all aesthetic forms.

    Material Matters (MM): Investigates new material forms made possible by blending legacy and digital manufacturing techniques.

    The campus is situated on Granville Island and has a 10,000 sqft. research facility, the Intersections Digital Studios (IDS), which support the integration of material and digital processes. The IDS contain the Motion Capture and Visualization Studio, theWearable and Interactive Products (WIP) Studio, and the Prototyping, Media, and Programming (PMP) Studio. All of the studios are supported by experienced research technicians.


    Emily Carr gratefully acknowledges the support of the Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the GRAND Network Centre of Excellence.


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