“Traxion: A Tactile Interaction Device with Virtual Force Sensation” by Rekimoto

  • ©Jun Rekimoto

  • ©Jun Rekimoto



Entry Number: 25


    Traxion: A Tactile Interaction Device with Virtual Force Sensation



    Several systems have been proposed for incorporating haptic feedback into Human-Computer Interactions. There are two types of haptic feedback. In one type, which we call “force-feedback,” a real-world physical force is created. In the second type, called “tactile-display,” physical sensations, such as vibrations, are created as an additional feedback method.

    There have been a few previous attempts to create force without using mechanical support. Nakamura et al. combined two or three eccentrically weighted rotors to generate an illusory sensation of force [Nakamura and Fukui 2005]. Amemiya et al. also proposed a device that creates a perceptual attraction force [Amemiya et al. 2008]. However, these devices are based on the mechanical movement of a crank, the form factor of the device is much bigger and heavier than those of tactile displays.

    In this demonstration, we will introduce a tactile device, called “traxtion”, that creates a virtual force without requiring any mechanical links to the ground [Rekimoto 2013]. It is significantly smaller and lighter than previous virtual force devices. Our mechanism uses a human illusory sensation to create the perception of a force. The weight of the device is about 5.2 g and the size is 7.5 mm × 35.0 mm × 5.0 mm. This small form factor allows the development of several new applications using virtual force. For example, a user can be guided to a particular location by being virtually “pulled” by a device, or an input device with non-tethered force feedback would become possible.


    ALPS, 2008. Alps Electric Press Release Force ReactorTM . http://www.alps.com/e/news release/2005/0608 01.html.

    AMEMIYA, T., ANDO, H., AND MAEDA, T. 2008. Directed force perception when holding a nongrounding force display in the air. In Proc. of EuroHaptics 2006, 317–324.

    NAKAMURA, N., AND FUKUI, Y. 2005. An innovative nongrounding haptic interface ’gyrocubesensuous’ displaying illusion sensation of push, pull and lift. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Posters, SIGGRAPH ’05.

    REKIMOTO, J. 2013. Traxion: A tactile interaction device with virtual force sensation. In Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, ACM, UIST ’13, 427–432.

    STEVENS, S. 1957. On the psychophysical law. Psychological Review 64, 3, 153–181.


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