“The Virtual Raft Project: A Network of Mobile and Stationary Computer Systems Inhabited by Communities of Interactive Animated Agents” by Tomlinson, Yau, Gray, Baumer, O’Connell, et al. …
- More from SIGGRAPH 2005:
E-Tech Type(s):
- Gaming and Entertainment
- Interfaces & HCI
- Bill Tomlinson
- Man Lok Yau
- Jesse Gray
- Eric Baumer
- Jessica O’Connell
- Ksatria Williams
- So Yamaoka
- Sara Goetz
Entry Number: 30
- The Virtual Raft Project: A Network of Mobile and Stationary Computer Systems Inhabited by Communities of Interactive Animated Agents
Project Affiliation:
- MIT Media Lab
This project presents a novel interaction paradigm in which computer screens serve as islands of virtual space (iLands). Mobile “virtual rafts” let people move animated agents between iLands. The project features innovations in heterogeneous computer graphics, tangible human-computer interaction, interactive animated characters, and mobile computing technology. It has applications in education, entertainment, and new media art.